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Early Childhood

Treating and diagnosing young children takes a special skillset. Learn more about mental health in early childhood.

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Kids can lead increasingly complicated lives, often needing help. Learn more about mental health in children.



From young adults to the elderly, we want people to live happy productive lives. Learn more about mental health in adults.

Minnesota Mental Health

Mental illness does not discriminate. In any given year, one in four adults and one in five children experience a mental health disorder. Mental illness is real, common and treatable.

Minnesota Mental Health was developed to provide mental health information and resources for children and adults in Benton, Sherburne, Stearns and Wright counties. Whether you are a parent, provider, consumer, family member or friend, this site will provide a place where you can easily find accurate information, reliable resources, local support and a helping hand.

Adult Foster Care

Providers are needed for adult foster care and becomging a provider is easier than you think!
Are you over the age of 18 and have a spare room in your home? If so, you could provide a supportive, caring home to an adult in need.

Top 5 Reasons to Foster Adults:

  1. Help strengthen your community.
  2. Companionship.
  3. It feels good to help others in need.
  4. Non-taxable income.
  5. Adults have alont time; you do not need to be home 24/7 to be a provider.

Please contact your local county to learn more about becoming a provider. If your county is not list below, please reach out to your county's Health and Human Services Department and let them know you are intersted in speaking to someone about becoming a provider. The need for providers is state-wided.

Benton County: 320-968-5111, email: licensing@co.benton.mn.us, Facebook: www.facebook.com/bentonfostercare

Sherburne County: 763-765-4065, email: Kerry.goshorn@co.sherburne.mn.us, website: http://www.co.sherburne.mn.us/hhs/fosterCare/adult.php

Stearns County: 320-656-6000 (ask for Licensing Unit), email: hslicensing@co.stearns.mn.us

Wright County: 763-682-7489, email: afclicensing@co.wright.mn.us, website: http://www.co.wright.mn.us/309/Adult-Foster-Care

For some frequently asked questions on Adult Foster Care, please see the following document:


Please feel free to print and share the flyers below. Spreading the word on the need for providers is a community effort and your help is needed and appreciated!





Anti-Stigma Meeting

Join us in fighting the stigma associated with mental health. Work on ways to promote mental wellness and educate people on mental health and where/how to get resources and help. ...View details


CAMHI Advisory Committee Meeting

The CommUNITY Adult Mental Health Initiative's Advisory Committee meeting is held on the first Thursday of the even numbered months at 1pm. All in-person meetings will have an online option for attending. ...View details


CMAHI Housing Meeting

Area housing specialists, outreach workers, and housing services/programs meet to discuss housing, review voucher utilization, and new and old housing programs in Benton, Sherburne, Stearns, and Wright County. ...View details

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Our Stories

Margaret’s Story

We have found ways for Kathy to… not only become "functional" but will become a whole person, a person who knows she is worthwhile and fully loved. That is real healing. ...Continue reading

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