Akhbaar, Ilo-dhaqaale


Qoyskaagu ma la socdaa arrimaha caafimaadka, ammaanka, iyo u diyaargarowga xaaladaha degdegga ah? Si aad af Soomaali ugu hesho mowduucyada caafimaadka, ammaanka, iyo u diyaargarowga xaaladaha degdegga ah, fadlan kala xiriir: www.echominnesota.org/so, 888-883-8831.

Kooxda gurmadka deg deg eeafarta deegaan

Ku fidinta gurmadka iyo u adeega rugta bulshada Daaryeelka Caafimaadka Maskaxda caruurta iyo dadka waaweyn. Markaadan garaneyn wax aad sameyso, ama aadan garaneyn wax aad wacdo, fadlan na soo wac. 1-800-635-8008.



Anti-Stigma Meeting

Join us in fighting the stigma associated with mental health. Work on ways to promote mental wellness and educate people on mental health and where/how to get resources and help. ...View details


CAMHI Advisory Committee Meeting

The CommUNITY Adult Mental Health Initiative's Advisory Committee meeting is held on the first Thursday of the even numbered months at 1pm. All in-person meetings will have an online option for attending. ...View details


CMAHI Housing Meeting

Area housing specialists, outreach workers, and housing services/programs meet to discuss housing, review voucher utilization, and new and old housing programs in Benton, Sherburne, Stearns, and Wright County. ...View details

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Our Stories

Jennifer's Story

Please see the attached story to hear about how Vocational Services has made an impact on Jennifer's life. ...Continue reading

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