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News & Information

FREE Lethal Means Suicide Prevention Training

January 21, 2022

You're invited to attend a FREE training ...Continue reading

Buffalo Strong Day

January 5, 2022

The Buffalo community showed it’s mettle following the Allina Crossroads tragedy. As the 1-year mark approaches, let us reclaim this day as one of resilience, ...Continue reading

Give Kids a SMILE Event

January 4, 2022

Dental professionals volunteer to provide these services during Children’s Dental Health Month in February. ...Continue reading

Virtual Peer Support Network- January Events

January 4, 2022

The Virtual Peer Support Network (VPSN) is about connecting lived experiences and sharing mental health challenges, together. ...Continue reading

NOTICE: CAMHI's Advisory Committee December Meeting Announcement

November 29, 2021

**Please note that CAMHI's Advisory Committee meeting will be held online only! ...Continue reading

VPSN November Schedule

October 28, 2021

The Virtual Peer Support Network (VPSN) is about connecting lived experiences and sharing mental health challenges, together. ...Continue reading

FREE Suicide Prevention Training: QPR

October 1, 2021

Please see the attached flyer for an opportunity to attend a FREE suicide prevention training. ...Continue reading

FREE Youth Mental Health First Aid Training!

October 1, 2021

Please see the attached flyer for an opportunity to attend a FREE Youth Mental Health First Aid Training. ...Continue reading

Virtual Peer Support Network October Events

October 1, 2021

The Virtual Peer Support Network (VPSN) is about connecting lived experiences and sharing mental health challenges, together. ...Continue reading

MN Veteran Suicide Prevention And Awareness Day

September 23, 2021

You're invited to join in the Suicide Prevention and Awareness Day on October 2, 2021. ...Continue reading

FREE Community Showing of the Documentary Film My Ascension

September 7, 2021

Join us for a FREE community showing of the documentary film My Ascension ...Continue reading

NAMI St. Cloud Conference Presents- Mental Health Recovery Beginning Where You Are

September 2, 2021

You're invited to attend NAMI St. Cloud's Annual Conference! ...Continue reading

Wellness in the Woods 9th Annual Wellness Conference- Be The Light

September 2, 2021

Wellness in the Woods, Minnesota's consumer run organization will for the 9th year offer you the opportunity to learn from individuals in recovery. ...Continue reading

Central MN Take Back the Night

August 30, 2021

You're invited to attend Central Minnesota's Take Back the Night rally and march on Thursday, September 30, 2021, from 7-9pm at Lake George Eastman Park in St. Cloud. ...Continue reading

VPSN: September Calendar of Events

August 30, 2021

The Virtual Peer Support Network (VPSN) is about connecting lived experiences and sharing mental health challenges, together. ...Continue reading

Walk Together: Uniting Against Sex Trafficking

August 30, 2021

The average age of first exploitation is often between 11 and 15 years of age and most victims do not self-identify as victims, so many do not reach out for help. St. Cloud has ...Continue reading

Minnesota's Eviction Moratorium Is Coming To An End....Here Are Some Resources

July 1, 2021

Minnesota's Eviction Moratorium Is Coming To An End....Here Are Some Resources ...Continue reading

First Responders and Suicide Response: Better Understanding, Better Outcomes Webinar

June 10, 2021

Law enforcement, firefighters, and paramedics are often the first on the scene after a suicide crisis. How they respond to people who are experiencing suicidal intensity or the shock of a suicide death of a loved one matters greatly. ...Continue reading

CAMHI Is Looking For Consumer Advocates!

May 25, 2021

The Community Adult Mental Health Initiative (CAMHI) is looking for individuals who have been involved in the mental health system and are interested in being a part of CAMHI by filling the roles of a Consumer Advocate or a Consumer Advocate Alternate. ...Continue reading

Mental Health Awareness Month: TOOLS2THRIVE- Dealing with Anger & Frustration

May 19, 2021

In challenging times, you may find that you have little patience with other people or get upset over minor things. ...Continue reading

COMING TO ST. CLOUD: Northstar Mobile Assessments

May 14, 2021

If you need help with substance abuse and mental health, WE ARE HERE TO HELP! ...Continue reading

Mental Health Awareness Month: TOOLS2THRIVE- Adapting After Trauma & Stress

May 13, 2021

Adapting After Trauma and Stress: We all face trauma, adversity, and other stresses throughout our lives. When people think of trauma, they often think ...Continue reading

VPSN May Scheduled Events

May 5, 2021

The Virtual Peer Support Network (VPSN) is about connecting lived experiences and sharing mental health challenges, together. ...Continue reading

Life After Loss- Online Support Group For Parents

April 9, 2021

Life After Loss is a parent's portal to grieve, share, and heal. A place for parents who lost a child or children to the complications of untreated or undertreated mental illness. ...Continue reading

Reject Stigma: Mental Health Awareness

April 9, 2021

Reject Stigma: Mental Health Awareness weekly sessions- and you're invited! ...Continue reading

Wellness in the Woods and the Facilitating Racial Equality Collaborative Come Together

April 9, 2021

Wellness in the Woods and the Facilitating Racial Equality Collaborative will bring together storytellers from diverse cultures throughout Minnesota to further understand and support all cultures. ...Continue reading

Virtual Peer Support Network- April Events

April 2, 2021

The Virtual Peer Support Network (VPSN) is about connecting lived experiences and sharing mental health challenges, together. ...Continue reading

#stayconnectedMN - Parenting During COVID19

March 25, 2021

Parenting during COVID-19 is challenging. ...Continue reading

Suicide Prevention Training Over Your Lunch!

March 25, 2021

The Central Minnesota Suicide Prevention Coalition is hosting multiple sessions of S.A.V.E., a suicide prevention training, and Safe Messaging training and you're invited to attend! ...Continue reading

Support Group for Those with Invisible Disabilities

March 19, 2021

New support group is starting on April 8th for those with invisible disabilities ...Continue reading

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Anti-Stigma Meeting

Join us in fighting the stigma associated with mental health. Work on ways to promote mental wellness and educate people on mental health and where/how to get resources and help. ...View details


CAMHI Advisory Committee Meeting

The CommUNITY Adult Mental Health Initiative's Advisory Committee meeting is held on the first Thursday of the even numbered months at 1pm. All in-person meetings will have an online option for attending. ...View details


CMAHI Housing Meeting

Area housing specialists, outreach workers, and housing services/programs meet to discuss housing, review voucher utilization, and new and old housing programs in Benton, Sherburne, Stearns, and Wright County. ...View details

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Our Stories

Margaret’s Story

We have found ways for Kathy to… not only become "functional" but will become a whole person, a person who knows she is worthwhile and fully loved. That is real healing. ...Continue reading

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