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News & Information

May 2019 Recovery Night at the VA

April 25, 2019

You're invited to a night of inspiring HOPE and a Recovery Resource Fair with information that supports Mental Health Recovery. ...Continue reading

2019 Military Mental Health Conference

April 15, 2019

You are formally invited to the 2019 Military Mental Health conference! ...Continue reading

Grace Church's Big Give

April 2, 2019

Grace Church's Big Give is happening on April 27, 2019. Please see the attached flyer for the details of this event. ...Continue reading

Empowered to Connect Conference

April 1, 2019

The Empowered to Connect Conference features practical teaching in a safe and supportive community as we work to equip families, churches, and professionals to better serve children impacted by adoption and foster care. ...Continue reading

Mental Well-Being: Telepsychiatry: Is It For You?

March 25, 2019

The March Mental Well-Being article on Telepsychiatry is attached below. ...Continue reading

Free Training: Creating Trauma Responsive Environments

February 26, 2019

You're invited to attend free training events brought to you by the Sherburne County BRIDGES Children's Mental Health Collaborative. ...Continue reading

New Class From Catholic Charities: Living Well with Chronic Conditions Workshop

February 11, 2019

Catholic Charities is starting a new class for adults age 60+ who are living with a chronic condition. ...Continue reading

Area Event: Screenagers- Growing Up In The Digital Age

February 7, 2019

Are you watching kids scroll through life, with their rapid-fire thumbs and six-second attention span? ...Continue reading

Mental Well-Being: WRAP

February 7, 2019

See the latest Mental Well-Being article from CAMHI's Anti-Stigma/Education Workgroup! ...Continue reading

Mental Well-Being: Nicotine Use

November 28, 2018

Please see the attached article from CAMHI's Anti-Stigma Committee on nicotine use, it's relationship with behavioral health and information and support on quitting!< ...Continue reading

Disabiliyt EQUALITY Training Series- You're Invited!

November 6, 2018

A unique leadership development program offering you and your team the skills and tools you need to build a culture of disability equality. Strengthen your advocacy skills by attending this six session course in Self-Advocacy. ...Continue reading

Consumer Advocates Wanted!

October 30, 2018

The CommUNITY Adult Mental Health Initiative is looking to increase the number of consumer advocates we have! ...Continue reading

Civil Commitment Training at the St. Cloud VA

September 20, 2018

Civil commitment training at the VA ...Continue reading

Collaboritive Learning Mental Health Summit

September 20, 2018

Resource Training and Solutions is excited to offer this opportunity to learn about four successful central Minnesota mental health initiatives within ...Continue reading

Disability EQUALITY Training Series: A Leadership Development Program

September 20, 2018

A unique leadership development program offering you and your team the skills and tools you need to build a culture of disability equality. ...Continue reading

Social Justice Perspective in Honoring Differences and Understanding Similarities Training

September 20, 2018

Please see the attached flyer for the Social Justice Perspective in Honoring Differences and Understanding Similarities Training ...Continue reading

St. Cloud Project Connect!

September 20, 2018

Project Connect is an event that offers people within out community the opportunity to access services offered by governmental, non-profits and other agencies. ...Continue reading

Suicide Prevention Event From The St. Cloud VA

September 20, 2018

Do you want to learn how to #BeThere to help prevent suicide? Please come to this event. ...Continue reading

Motivational Interviewing Training

September 11, 2018

Examine the spirit, principles, processes, and skills of Motivation- al Interviewing by exploring the common patterns of change conversations. ...Continue reading

A Third Foster Care Informational Session Has Been Scheduled- Please Join Us!

September 10, 2018

Please join us at one of the three scheduled informational sessions to learn more about both child and adult foster care and what it takes to become a provider. ...Continue reading

Suicide Prevention Month 2018 Talking Points from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

September 10, 2018

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention Month 2018 Talking Points

...Continue reading

31 Ways To Work On Your Wellness

August 28, 2018

The Anti-Stigma Committee wanted to re-share an article that was originally posted in 2017; but services as a great reminder on ways to take care of yourself! ...Continue reading

Suicide Prevention Awareness Month Community Event

August 23, 2018

Please join us for a free community event for Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. ...Continue reading

Foster Care Informational Sessions- Please Join Us!

August 22, 2018

New foster care informational sessions have been scheduled! Please join us if you are interested in learning more about becoming a child or an adult foster care provider! ...Continue reading

Let's Talk About It

August 21, 2018

Join us for this powerful event on October 10 to help address some of the mental health issues many in our community are dealing with. Attached below is a flyer for the event "Let's Talk About It'. ...Continue reading

The Imagine Network's September's Events

August 21, 2018

The Imagine Network is about connecting lived experiences and sharing mental health challenges, together. ...Continue reading

Coping With Farm and Rural Stress in Minnesota

August 6, 2018

Farming can be a stressful occupation. Often, you live where you work. Your coworkers may be your spouse and/or other family members. ...Continue reading

Benton County Mental Health Advisory Council Is Seeking Memebers

July 31, 2018

Benton County Human services Board will be selecting new members for the Benton County Mental Health Advisory Council. ...Continue reading

Free Support Group for Concerns Persons

July 3, 2018

Did you know that the Central Minnesota Sexual Assault Center (CMSAC) offers a FREE support group for Concerned Persons? ...Continue reading

6th Annual Wellness in the Woods Conference

July 2, 2018

6th Annual Wellness in the Woods Conference will be held on September 15, 2018. Please see the attached flyer for conference details.

...Continue reading

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Anti-Stigma Meeting

Join us in fighting the stigma associated with mental health. Work on ways to promote mental wellness and educate people on mental health and where/how to get resources and help. ...View details


CAMHI Advisory Committee Meeting

The CommUNITY Adult Mental Health Initiative's Advisory Committee meeting is held on the first Thursday of the even numbered months at 1pm. All in-person meetings will have an online option for attending. ...View details


CMAHI Housing Meeting

Area housing specialists, outreach workers, and housing services/programs meet to discuss housing, review voucher utilization, and new and old housing programs in Benton, Sherburne, Stearns, and Wright County. ...View details

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Our Stories

Anonymous Flex Fund Story

Consumer shares story on how flex funds approved positively impacted their life. ...Continue reading

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